
Cryogenic Install at UCL RFH Biobank

Horizontal Bulk Tank

SIVL, Vent Line and Low Level Ventillation

Low Level Ducting Integrated with alarm system

Horizontal Bulk Tank
LABMODE provide complete packages for cryogenic installations.
We provide a storage solution not just a liquid nitrogen delivery system.
We provide the bulk tank, associated super insulated vacuum line (SIVL), internal take-off points, low level air extract ventilation system, internal cylinder auto-fill system, oxygen monitoring safety system with integrated alarms and emergency shut downs, data logging and web based alert communications along with end user training and cryogenic safety talks.
University of Leeds - St James' Hospital

LABS Cryogenic Storage

LABS Cryogenic Storage
This project included the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Cryogenic Storage Facility. LABMODE Ltd was contractor for all works and included supply of cryogenic sample storage vessels and associated racking. Technical Director, Peter Ball acted as the principle project manager responsible for design and installation of the complete package including air handling, vacuum pipework, O2-depletion monitoring plus Building works including installation of new external door and internal doors. A new low-level extract system and all associated control systems were installed.
This project included the Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Cryogenic Storage Facility. LABMODE Ltd was contractor for all works and included supply of cryogenic sample storage vessels and associated racking. Technical Director, Peter Ball acted as the principle project manager responsible for design and installation of the complete package including air handling, vacuum pipework, O2-depletion monitoring plus Building works including installation of new external door and internal doors. A new low-level extract system and all associated control systems were installed.
“Our old cryostorage facility had many problems including: a number of critical design flaws, was reliant on manual filling of dewars (a time consuming process), and was running out of space to store samples. Because of these issues we needed to update the facility to ensure it met expected standards and projected levels of use.
For the refurbishment project we required a single company (Principle Contractor) to design, install, and commission a fully integrated cryostorage facility and supply new autofill dewars. LABMODE could fulfill all of these aspects of the project, and had an excellent reputation and proven track record in the cryogenics field.
LABMODE redesigned the original facility (which included: improved extraction/ventilation, integrated O2 monitoring and emergency cut-off systems); they also supplied and installed new autofill tanks.
They worked closely with us at all stages of the project, for example: bringing in a demo autofill tank for end users to view; giving a presentation on the autofill tank design to end-users; agreeing all stages of the project; and working closely with all stakeholders to minimize disruption. We had regular meetings through out the project (during the design phase and through the installation). They efficiently and professionally coordinated the works on site (including all of the specialist contractors, builders, electricians etc.), and delivered a fully functioning cryofacility as per the design specifications, on time, and at the tendered cost.
We were very happy with the installation process and pleased with the final product."
Francis CRICK Institute, London

Bulk tank and LABS storage at Francis Crick London

This project covered the preliminary and final design, supply, installation, protection, testing, commissioning, successful handover, with warranty, servicing and maintenance of complete Bulk Gas Storage and distribution system. The bulk gas systems within this scope comprised the following:
2 off 3250 L Bulk Liquid Nitrogen and 2 off 3250 L Liquid Carbon Dioxide Storage Tanks, including all peripheral equipment in accordance with the design conceptual drawings and client’s requirements.
Super Insulated Vacuum Line (SIVL) design, distribution and installation from the external bulk tanks to feed the Dewar Fill area and Cryo store areas including connection to all existing interfaces to ventilation, gas detection, safety interlocks etc. (Level LG1)
Supply and installation of 3 No. Taylor Wharton LABS Cryo Vessels for storage of frozen biological samples in a Vapour Phase state, with auto-fill controllers.
All labour and materials necessary to complete the installation and follow-up testing, adjustments and commissioning were included to provide an effective working installation.
Contact us to discuss your current sample storage.
Consolidate samples into vapour phase storage solutions. We can help decide the best sample storage systems that work with your laboratory or department.
Advice and Training
labmode provide advice on your current cryogenic storage facility.
Cryogenic safety and training is available through our project department.
labmode will provide a turnkey package and manage your cryogenic project installation.
Our quality management system is certified with BSI complying with ISO9001:2008 for the procurement, installation, servicing and repair of laboratory equipment.